Free intro course

The Mindful-Nature Connection Programme

Next Live Course Starting 8th October 2024

An 8-week online journey to help you develop mindful awareness, connectedness to nature, and a more balanced way of living

This programme is a unique collaboration between mindfulness and nature practices. It's primarily a personal journey of exploration that will guide you into a closer relationship with yourself, your immediate community and the environment. When these three spheres are in harmony, we find ourselves in a place where we more easily manage the balancing act of taking care of ourselves, others and the environment. We can then shift theme attention to a new way of living that prioritises health, connection and nature towards finding greater well-being and peace.

Sign up

"This course absolutely changed my relationship with the natural world. No longer is nature something 'out there', beautiful but somehow out of reach. Now I feel more as though I am part of nature and nature is a part of me. It's a subtle but very deep shift that I can feel growing stronger every time I practice."

– James

Beautiful medicine for our time

Mindful nature connection is one of the most gentle yet powerful healing and personal development practices there is, combining the two fundamental realms of mind and nature into one holistic practice. Give yourself the gift of going straight to the source of health and wellbeing - nature itself.

Here's what's inside the programme:

Week 1 - Sensing nature

Connecting to Nature – Awakening the Senses
  • Mind wandering and mindfulness
  • Automatic pilot and attention
  • Awakening the senses, exteroceptive sensations
  • Experiential tasting of nature
  • Open sensory awareness and fascination in nature, 
  • Sensory nature meditations

Week 2 - Earth

Nature Connectedness – Grounding and Breathing
  • Perceptions and beliefs - From doing to being
  • Awareness of the breath as an anchor
  • Earthing practices
  • Finding your sit spot
  • Nature's breath 
  • Breathing with nature meditations

Week 3 - ‘Water’

Connecting to Nature’s Rhythm – Flow and Movement
  • The mind in motion – acorns and pebbles 
  • Gathering the mind through the breath
  • Mindful movement
  • The body and breath in harmony with nature
  • Flow and movement in nature
  • Mindful walking in nature

Week 4 - Fire

Challenging Connections – Recognising Mind Storms
  • Turning towards the difficulty - assessing the storm
  • Mind storms in times of stress
  • Mindfulness in the rain
  • The benefits of fire and storms in nature
  • Bringing rainbows and fire into our life
  • Listening to the mountain 

Week 5 - Ether

Connecting to the Space – Allowing and Letting Be
  • Allowing and creating a space - letting be
  • The principle of emptiness
  • Sitting in the clearing
  • From self to oneness - insight and connectedness
  • Walking a labyrinth
  • Resting and immersion in the liminal lake 

Week 6 - Air

Connection and Disconnection – Passing Thoughts
  • Thoughts and mind traps, letting go of the conceptual
  • The sky of awareness, a new relationship to thoughts
  • Sitting meditation, with sounds and thoughts
  • The nature of impermanence and imperfection
  • Making nature offerings
  • Cloud watching and working with the wind 

Week 7 - The Forest

Nourishing and Flourishing – Compassionate Action
  • Nourishing and taking care of yourself
  • Walking through the forest and befriending
  • Loving kindness in practice
  • Working with trees, creating a MAP
  • Forest bathing and forest therapy
  • Becoming a tree meditation

Week 8 - The Heart

Connecting to your true nature – Following the heart path
  • Your personal Unalome – the path to enlightenment
  • Environmental Gratitude
  • Pro-environmental behavior and climate action
  • What is your true nature?
  • Planting your garden – reflections and dandelion seeds
  • Cross-fertilization – where to now?

Ongoing Community

Journeying With Others - Nourishing Connections

Included with this course is 6 months of membership to my Mindful Nature Community space, a beautiful tribe of people who have been through my programs and stayed around to sustain and deepen their practice.

You can get started today

There's a self-study version of this course which you could jump onto right now and get started on developing your relationship with the natural world and your natural self.

Enroll on the Mindful-Nature Connection Programme now

This programme includes


Get the benefit of my masters-level knowledge of the philosophy, psychology and neurobiology of nature-based mindfulness approaches.


Learn practical exercises and meditations to retrain your attention and create new awareness, align your body and mind, and connect you to the natural world.


Join me and a community of likeminded souls on this beautiful interactive journey, connecting during weekly live calls and in my online community space.

It's time to learn deep listening

To better align ourselves with the Earth, as we must now, it's not enough to add on another piece of information, learn a new technique or change our life situation. We need to learn to listen, to be with nature and each other, to connect in a deeper and more authentic way to our own true nature and heart path. There is no better teacher in this than nature itself.

"This course is what is needed in our world at a time like this. When we connect with nature we realise how interconnected and interdependent we are. It encourages us to continue to save and protect our natural world in any way possible."

– Christine

Live Group Journey

£297 However...

special offer for this course £237 if booked before 30th September 2024

Our next journey begins October 8th 2024

  • 13+ hours of video lessons
  • 16 downloadable practice audios
  • Free app
  • 60-page pdf manual
  • 6 months of community membership
  • Weekly live group coaching calls with me
  • Regular 1:1 coaching calls with me
Sign-up today

Live Group Journey

3 monthly payments of £110

If booked before 30th September 2024

Our next journey begins 8th October 2024

  • 13+ hours of video lessons
  • 16 downloadable practice audios
  • 60-page pdf manual
  • 6 months of community membership
  • Free app
  • Weekly live group coaching calls with me
  • Regular 1:1 coaching calls with me
Sign-up today

Self-Study Programme


Start anytime

  • 13+ hours of video lessons
  • 16 downloadable practice audios
  • 60-page pdf manual
  • Three 1:1 coaching calls with me
  • 6 months of community membership



Special offer, £237 between 30th September to 30th November 2024

Start today

What are the main gifts this course will bring you?

I would dearly love to help you develop a deep and lasting mindful nature connection practice.

Because I know that this practice will benefit not only you but the entire Earth through you, and keep giving its gifts for your whole life and for generations to come.

Live Group Journey

£297 However...

special offer for this course, £237 if booked before 30th September 2024

Our next journey begins 8th October 2024

  • 13+ hours of video lessons
  • 16 downloadable practice audios
  • Free app
  • 60-page pdf manual
  • 6 months of community membership
  • Weekly live group coaching calls with me
  • Regular 1:1 coaching calls with me
Sign-up today

Live Group Journey

3 monthly payments of £110

If booked before 30th September 2024

Our next journey begins 8th October 2024

  • 13+ hours of video lessons
  • 16 downloadable practice audios
  • Free app
  • 60-page pdf manual
  • 6 months of community membership
  • Weekly live group coaching calls with me
  • Regular 1:1 coaching calls with me
Sign-up today

Self-Study Programme


Start anytime

  • 13+ hours of video lessons
  • 16 downloadable practice audios
  • 60-page pdf manual
  • Three 1:1 coaching calls with me
  • 6 months of community membership



Special offer, £237 between 30th September to 30th November 2024

Start today

My friends and I are looking forward to meeting you inside :)


With nature's blessings, 



** Please feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions about this or any of my courses.

Contact me here